Nature deprivation is severe—and as we find ourselves surrounded by modern-day technology—it only prolongs the disadvantages which feast off that of our mental health. As a result, we disregard the world—failing to notice it, in the midst of our routine. Not only that, but the desensitization, that comes through media, plays a big part as well.
An example of such can be seen as we oftentimes fail to interact with like-minded individuals. Instead, we opt for messaging them via. different social media platforms—as opposed to making contact with them face-to-face. In turn, a key component of addiction recovery involves patients applying themselves to that of the outside world—through projects which guide them in the way of sobriety (such as gardening).
As one begins to construct a flower bed, his/her selfishness is put aside for that of selflessness—as he/she tends to the blossoms of each. Just as flowers need time to grow, so do we—and there’s no better way to do so than through nature. However, gardening is not the only way in which therapeutic, scenic beauty can be discovered, but through other tasks, such as; canoeing or camping. As a result, one is able to see all that he/she is capable of—through the physical activities which he/she takes part in.
For instance, canoeing allows individuals to shift their tension elsewhere, as they move with that of the paddle. Family and friends also have the ability to join in recreation—with the person facing addiction. In turn, this allows that person the opportunity to find meaning—or purpose—through being a part of an effective team.
Another beneficial outlet is camping, which allows recovering addicts to take in an increased amount of oxygen through the plants—and/or trees—which surrounds them. It also gives them the ability to live in the midst of planet earth, and analyze the forest front. Instead, of connecting through social media, they begin to find themselves falling into rhythm with that of nature—as well as setting aside time to fine tune themselves.
In conclusion, as we put ourselves in the midst of beautiful scenery we’re challenged through the nature which surrounds us. It is then that we are released from the addiction which binds us—by taking the negative energy that threatens to consume us, and counteracting it into positive productivity. It is only then that we can find healing and peace, in the midst of our recovery.