Vacation on an island

The island seems like an amazing place to live. The weather is perfect, the lagoons, boats and the likes are always a delight to watch.

However, only a few number of people have the capacity to live on an island. For many people, they would prefer to take a vacation to the island to rest their stressed nerves.

Below are what to expect when you spend your vacation on an island

  • Amazing landscapes: Spending time on an island gives you the opportunity to see some of the most beautiful landscapes ever.  There are lots of features to explore like the waterfalls, hills, beaches and the likes.

In the evening, you can watch the sunset in the most natural way.

  • Amazing weather: If you do not like the winter life, then you should take a vacation on an island more often. The temperature on the island is fair enough, as it provides you with warmth that you must have been missing all year long.

The water on the island is warm, so you can take a bath by swimming.

  • Lots of activities: There are lots of things to do on the island. Depending on where you are lodged, there are various activities that can keep you engaged. Bear in mind that a good number of possible activities on the island gives you a golden opportunity to exercise.
  • Relax from stress: A good number of people who want to have their vacation on the island simply need a break from the stressful life. And since they would be closer to nature, it becomes more effective to relax and feel less stressed.  

You can decide to spend your vacation all by yourself or together with your loved ones. All the same, you are bound to reap the benefits that comes with it. You are sure to have an improved immune system alongside with enhanced creativity.

In addition, all through your stay on the island, you will certainly sleep better.

Benefits of spending time in Nature

A good number of us are not aware of the immense benefits that comes with spending ample time in nature. It would interest you to know that time spent in nature adds greatly to your life in various ways unimaginable.

Below are some benefits of spending time in nature

  • Stress reduction: If you want to relax and stretch your muscles, one of the activities to do is spend time in nature. It is important for us to unplug sometimes and connect to nature. You will be surprised at the calming effects that would be produced on our brains and bodies.

You can also take advantage of this to exercise in nature and get your heart working optimally.

  • Improves memory: Based on research, spending time in nature helps to improve your memory. According to the research which was conducted by the University of Michigan, students who went on a walk regularly, were better at retaining the information stored in their brain.
  • Better sleep: For people who have sleep-related disorders, spending time in nature is one of the best ways to sleep better. When you spend ample time in nature, your sleep pattern is properly regulated. And when it is time to sleep, the brain ejects the needed amount of melatonin that helps you sleep better.
  • Vitamin D: When you stay too much in the sun, you could get your skin damaged and this can cause cancer in the process. However, the appropriate amount of sunshine you need daily should be between 15-20 minutes daily. This is beneficial in strengthening the bones and reducing the prospects of cancer and other health issues.
  • Better immune system: Spending time in nature equips you to boost your immune system and fight off diseases.
  • Creativity: There are times when we feel out of place and we need time to think and strategize. When you spend time in nature, your creative juices flow and you achieve inspiration in the process.

How the Natural World Helps Mental Health

The autumn leaves swivel around me—like colors on canvas—as vibrant hues of golden brown scratch the surface of the ground.  An onslaught of laughter roars from the small depth of my belly, as I relentlessly spring off the base of my heels—into the pile which lies before me. Delight cascades over me with each auburn leaf, as bliss lingers in the sunkist horizon. For, even though time presses onward, the memory still remains—both authentic and clear.

However, what associates itself with such, isn’t the first swig of thick red liquid which coated the top layer of my throat. But instead, the freedom I felt through my interaction with nature—despite getting sick from the fall weather.

In turn, as we find beauty—in all aspects of the natural world—we find beauty in ourselves. For, it’s through establishing a connection—with that which surrounds us—that we begin to see growth in our mental health. We then, exceed in good cheer, rather than falling victim to pitfalls. As a result, we find that the natural world heals, giving us the ability to breathe once more—as we find joy through simplicity.

Furthermore, as we focus our perception, on something other than ourselves, our obstacles become miniscule. For, mental health is all about the way in which we view the world around us. In turn, if our senses are obscured—rather than made aware—it can be burdensome.

Therefore, true aid comes when we are able to interpret how we are feeling—or why we may be feeling that way. For, it is through such that we can begin to counteract negative emotion that we may be consumed by in that very moment. As a result, it is only through our five senses of sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch—and/or the environment that we are in—that our mood is changed.

In conclusion, Nature is the easiest way of doing such because it helps reduce our stress, and impact our bodies (for the better) in ways we never thought possible. Therefore, as humans we must be careful not to allow ourselves to be in a place of discomfort or distress—because through such we can begin to feel anxious, sad, helpless, etc. However, if each of us were to allow ourselves to take in the beautiful which surrounds us—for even a fraction of a second—how much healthier would we be both physically and mentally. For, sometimes our greatest solace comes from nature itself.

Rehab on the Ocean

Salt water gently laps against the shoreline of the white-sanded beachas one cloud billows out, blanketing the sun on occasion, amidst the clear skies of the day. A youthful woman frolics across the boardwalk in the nearby distance, balancing on the edge of the wood, but soon becomes distracted by the hard outer layer of a pastel colored sea shell. Meanwhile, birds rejoice while flying overhead, and each wave of the ocean displays a vast body of crystal blue, uniting creation.

Oftentimes, illustrating a vivid image—such as the one featured—serves as a temporary release, engrained in the forefront of our minds. However, there are moments when experience should triumph visualization. For, as we experience the beauty of creation through observation, we begin to see our own selves within it—allowing us to ponder on the magnificent construction of our own beings.

The splendor of the Florida Keys then manifests itself into existence, and in doing such healing is found in the most unexpected of places—for both men and women grappling with substance abuse. Yet still, relief in nature is frequently shadowed by our ignorance and misunderstanding, even as it presents itself through the outside world. Nonetheless, with oceanside rehab comes peace, as it empowers those who are hurting by way of tranquility—granting them a chance to obtain control of their lives once more.

In turn, recreational activities such as; swimming, walking, running, hiking, yoga mediation—and other such exercise—are oftentimes nurtured through oceanside facilities. For, the state of mind (both emotional and mental), is not the sole focus—in contribution to an individual’s recovery—but the person’s physicality and spirituality as well. Therefore, as all patients take part, the natural elements which surround them, furnish in their success.

Furthermore, a certain solace can be found in the midst of distress—as nature becomes a comforting companion. The oceanside offers one to the ability to feel unashamed of his/her weaknesses, while receiving the necessary and needed treatment. Other facilities may not evoke such sentiment, and instead make one feel trapped—causing concern in his/her life—as he/she begins to question his/her self worth.

Therefore, as individuals who are faced with addiction embark on such a journey they have to make an underlying choice based on where they’ve been, and where they want to go? As they look within themselves, they begin to find the best option for them; for, sometimes healing comes through the simplest things—the vitamins of the sun’s rays, the wind which runs the course of one’s skin, and the budding and blooming flowers which trail their way towards the sky (for them it is just the beginning).

Scenic Beauty for Recovery

Nature deprivation is severe—and as we find ourselves surrounded by modern-day technology—it only prolongs the disadvantages which feast off that of our mental health. As a result, we disregard the world—failing to notice it, in the midst of our routine. Not only that, but the desensitization, that comes through media, plays a big part as well.

An example of such can be seen as we oftentimes fail to interact with like-minded individuals. Instead, we opt for messaging them via. different social media platforms—as opposed to making contact with them face-to-face. In turn, a key component of addiction recovery involves patients applying themselves to that of the outside world—through projects which guide them in the way of sobriety (such as gardening).

As one begins to construct a flower bed, his/her selfishness is put aside for that of selflessness—as he/she tends to the blossoms of each. Just as flowers need time to grow, so do we—and there’s no better way to do so than through nature. However, gardening is not the only way in which therapeutic, scenic beauty can be discovered, but through other tasks, such as; canoeing or camping.  As a result, one is able to see all that he/she is capable of—through the physical activities which he/she takes part in.

For instance, canoeing allows individuals to shift their tension elsewhere, as they move with that of the paddle. Family and friends also have the ability to join in recreation—with the person facing addiction. In turn, this allows that person the opportunity to find meaning—or purpose—through being a part of an effective team.

Another beneficial outlet is camping, which allows recovering addicts to take in an increased amount of oxygen through the plants—and/or trees—which surrounds them. It also gives them the ability to live in the midst of planet earth, and analyze the forest front. Instead, of connecting through social media, they begin to find themselves falling into rhythm with that of nature—as well as setting aside time to fine tune themselves.

In conclusion, as we put ourselves in the midst of beautiful scenery we’re challenged through the nature which surrounds us. It is then that we are released from the addiction which binds us—by taking the negative energy that threatens to consume us, and counteracting it into positive productivity. It is only then that we can find healing and peace, in the midst of our recovery.

Beautiful Locations Aid Addiction Treatment

Beautiful locations are a big factor in aiding one’s recovery, but oftentimes people are unaware of such. However, the fact of the matter is, we aren’t that different from nature; we live as it lives, and die as it dies. Not only that, but the both of us thrive off each other—as well as sunlight—as plants need the carbon dioxide we give off to survive, and we need the oxygen they give off in order to breathe.

Consequently, we forget such things, and push nature away from us through destruction and industrialization. But, when we take the time to get away from the hustle and bustle around us (cars, loud buildings, etc.) we begin to find ourselves uniting with the nature around us. In doing so, we no longer begin to disconnect ourselves physically, but perceive nature as our equal. As this takes place, we begin to find healing not just through ourselves, but the world which surrounds us. For, we can not only focus on “self” but “surrounding”.

Furthermore, we become adapted to the world around us just as easy as other creatures, but not in the right sense. For as they camouflage to nature, we camaflouge to the world—as we become adapted to civilization—which in turn can hinder an addict’s recovery. In turn, we find ourselves in a fixed position, with an inability to grow or further develop in that of our recovery—and be shaped into that of a sober lifestyle.

In addition, it is said that, “our physiological, psychological, and emotional states change as our surroundings change” (Hale, Psychology Today). As a result, do you ever ask yourself why you feel better when you sit outside for lunch, rather than inside? Or wonder why you begin to find yourself in a state of peace? It’s due to that which surrounds you. For, you aren’t confined to four walls, but have movable space, as well as an increased amount of oxygen.

In conclusion, that’s why beautiful locations aid in addiction treatment, as you choose to go, rather than just dreaming of the places you could be. Through doing such, you begin to realize it’s not so difficult after all to overcome your addiction, but that it’s in fact possible. Sometimes we need motivation to do so, and the world around us doesn’t give us that. But, as we look to nature we not only gain solace, but purpose. For, we realize that the world around us is bigger than we could ever be, and bigger than any problem which exists in that of our lives. It’s then that you begin to realize if the earth can be trampled on day by day, overcome, and still be beautiful then so can you.

If addiction treatment in a natural setting would help you or a loved one, consider Canada’s scenic locations for recovery, such as rehab in the Canadian Rockies, treatment centers in BC, and addiction treatment on Canada’s Sunshine Coast.

Rehab In The Mountains

Soft snowfall carpets the barren ground, leaving minimal interaction from the nearby mountains. Meanwhile, an abundance of bright white settles over the terrain, and awe leaks out from that of an open-mouthed woman—as her eyes haze over with hopefulness. The allure of the Colorado Mountains, exceeds that which she envisioned; and the solidified summit obscures the cloud-covered sun, as she begins her journey towards recovery.

Landscapes—such as this—redeem individuals in the midst of addiction. For, various treatment centers allow one to be in touch with art through the nature which surround him/her—as well as that which he/she creates (through the arts). As a result, therapeutic recreation is established through past times such as; art therapy, equine therapy, yoga, hiking, etc.

Primarily, art therapy uses “the process of self-expression, and the resulting artwork to help clients understand their emotional conflicts, develop social skills, improve self-esteem, manage addictions, reduce anxiety, and restore normal function to their lives.” In turn, as addicts engage in such they develop a better understanding of their behaviors, actions, and emotions—in relation to the addiction itself.

Equine therapy is another form of mountainside rehab, as it “incorporates horses in an effort to address behavioral issues.” A certain mutualism transpires between horse and human, and the emotions of each move in sync—finding comfort in one another. It is through such that both are capable of functioning as a team, uniting as one.

Next, there’s yoga, which aids in relieving stress (repressed by that of the addict). As a result, it allows one to focus—and control—that of their breathing, which not only heals him/her physically, but mentally as well. In turn, it assists in uniting mind and body—so that individuals can overcome their addiction through self-healing.

And finally, there’s hiking which offers silence and clarity to those who are struggling with addictions—and allows peace to accompany them heart, mind, and soul. In effect, as they take time to overlook the world which surrounds them, the pleasing picturesque brings solace in the midst of their addiction.

In conclusion, rehab in the mountains, has an unlimited amount of possibilities. Listed above are but few of the recreations, as there are several unique treatment methods—depending on the recovery center chosen. An example of this can be seen through Soaring Hope Recovery which includes notable therapy, such as; “Spiritual/Experiential Therapy”, “family/relationship repair”, “career rehabilitation,” etc. Through similar locations, individuals are ensured of a safe and comfortable environment, where they can care, and be cared for by others.